Sandsea - The Sand Pyramid

Project Lead, Level & Systems Designer


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While working on Sand Witch, I  would be working on the inside of one of the pyramids in the region of Sandsea, specifically,  one that Gar-feld resides.

For this project, I requested our programmers to create a Timer tool with its own U.I. Window interface, as I believe that displaying how much time a player has left to do an action feeds the tension of the experience. With this new tool, I created a timed event where players must reach the maze’s end or get squashed. The timer tool can be helpful for more creative options later on :).

Timed Maze – Take too long, or get squashed.

Since the map takes place inside of a tomb, one must be able to raid them! Players must find a key inside of a mummy casket. Picking the right one reveals the key for one of the locked gates.

Raiding tombs – May contain mummies.

On the opposite side is taken over by a sand deposit. If players were to fall, they would slowly sink and drown (Unless they equip a specific item). Once players cross through, they must do a lights-out puzzle that has five random starting patterns. Once they solve the puzzle, they can pick up another key

Light out Puzzle.

Level Layout Charts

Gameplay Video – May contain outdated content/patches

Post-mortem - The Sand Pyramid

This project was probably the largest dungeon I’ve done so far. It was challenging at times, as we cut short one week, but we pulled through with the help of my co-workers.

It was extremely wise to request custom tracks for when the timer is displayed. It adds to the experience quite nicely.

This experience leads me to be more open when requesting new systems/features.

Timers are fun :).