Siege (MOBA) - Siege of Souls

Project Lead, Game & Systems Designer


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For this next project, I used an existing map that needed more tender love and care and re-factored its systems to be compatible with our PvP System. However, our system usually revolves around capture points, and I felt that the map did not suit that game mode. Instead, for a MOBA-inspired game mode. With that in mind, I gathered our PvP team to develop a new game mode: Siege.

Siege is a game mode about taking over play space. Players must destroy a team’s “safe spots” to further their assault on a team’s general. Once a general is defeated, the game ends. To achieve victory, the first team to reach 750 points has the highest amount of points after 10 minutes or defeats a team’s general.

Defeat a general to claim victory!

AI spawns every 38 seconds and pushes towards the enemies’ base to do any damage to the opposite team’s units, turrets, and generals.

Go forth my minions!

Players must defeat the outer turrets to deal damage to the inner turrets, which provide invulnerability to a general. Turrets are deadly on their own, so it’s recommended to push alongside teammates to destroy turrets.

It’s dangerous to go alone…

Players obtain a buff to their HP and strength by defeating monsters, players, turrets, and gathering powerups up to twenty times, promoting the idea of defeating as many minions and enemies as fast as possible to be able to assault at your fullest potential.

To limit the play area, rivers across the map can hinder players’ movements, encouraging players to stick to the terrain

Getting water on your shoes is unconformable…

Map Chart

Score chart

Gameplay Video – May contain outdated content/patches

Content Creator – Review

Post-mortem - Siege of Souls

Being the game designer for this project felt fullying, especially after internal testing feedback proved to be a positive experience

This game mode was tested alongside players on the PTR servers quite frequently, and the constant feedback allowed me to make sure this game mode could be fair for everyone.

Seeing the game’s current classes clash with each other in a different environment is very enticing and exciting to see it flow well!